We spent four FUN hours (wearing masks) at The Harry Potter Studio. We both found it difficult to remember what the plot was of the previous movie each year so didn’t care much about Harry Potter (Lord of the Rings and Star Wars were also hot at the time). Second son totally obsessed with the books (he’s 31 now). We visited Universal Studios in Florida in February. It was mobbed but we fell in love with the world of Harry Potter. Lots of little ones wearing expensive Harry Potter robes ($125 all sizes) and carry wands ($55). So when an email arrived giving us a deal we decided to grab it because who knew when we would be locked down again. It was so fab!!! We saw the sets, costumes, technology, artistry of the production. Amazing talent. So this past week we watched a Harry Potter movie each night (in order!). Now we understand most things (daily messages to number two son about stuff we didn’t understand). So this photo is silly but not as silly as Richard’s video of him flying on a broom!!!